eHouse4cServer Events for Device: videolan

Separator between fields elements could be tabulator '\t' or ';' => \t = 0x09
%%% => Value
? => Query / Question for settings command
eHouse Event Construction: RoomPanel;Panel NR;%DevType%;%eHouseEvent%;%Arg1%;%Arg2%;%Arg3%;..; => Command for videolan => eHouse4cServer IP address or Host Name

RoomPanelPanel NRDevTypeeHouseEventArg1..nCommand for videolanHTML Command for
RoomPanelNrvideolanstop Stophttp://;0;videolan;stop; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanplay Play Play Listhttp://;0;videolan;play; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanpause Pausehttp://;0;videolan;pause; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanempty Clear Play Listhttp://;0;videolan;empty; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanplay_rtsp_alias=%%% Play RTSP Stream from aliashttp://;0;videolan;play_rtsp_alias=%%%; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanplay_rtsp_url=%%% Play RTSP Stream from complete urlhttp://;0;videolan;play_rtsp_url=%%%; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanadd_playlist_play_alias=%%% Add Alias To PlayList And Playhttp://;0;videolan;add_playlist_play_alias=%%%; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanadd_playlist_play_dir=%%% Add Directory To PlayList And Playhttp://;0;videolan;add_playlist_play_dir=%%%; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanadd_playlist_input=%%% Add Input To PlayListhttp://;0;videolan;add_playlist_input=%%%; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolannext_playlist_play Add To PlayList And Playhttp://;0;videolan;next_playlist_play; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolannext Play Next Itemhttp://;0;videolan;next; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanprevious Play Previous Itemhttp://;0;videolan;previous; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanrandom Random Mode/Shufflehttp://;0;videolan;random; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanloop Play In Loophttp://;0;videolan;loop; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanrepeat Repeat Modehttp://;0;videolan;repeat; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanfullscreen Full Screen Modehttp://;0;videolan;fullscreen; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanvol+ Volume+;0;videolan;vol+; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanvol- Volume-;0;videolan;vol-; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanvol=%%% Set Volume %%%;0;videolan;vol=%%%; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanvol_percent=%%% Set Volume %%% Percenthttp://;0;videolan;vol_percent=%%%; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanseek+30s Seek Next + 30sechttp://;0;videolan;seek+30s; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanseek-30s Seek Back - 30sechttp://;0;videolan;seek-30s; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanseek+3m Seek Next + 3minhttp://;0;videolan;seek+3m; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanseek-3m Seek Back - 3minhttp://;0;videolan;seek-3m; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanseek+30m Seek Next + 30minhttp://;0;videolan;seek+30m; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanseek-30m Seek Back - 30minhttp://;0;videolan;seek-30m; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanstatus VideoLan Statushttp://;0;videolan;status; ; ; ;
RoomPanelNrvideolanplaylist Show PlayListhttp://;0;videolan;playlist; ; ; ;